How much Toxic Frack Waste is being pumped beneath us in Ohio?  We have the numbers.

Do increased volumes influence induced seismicity?


Teresa Mills 
Executive Director of the Buckeye Environmental Network

Teresa has worked on environmental issues for many years.   With CHEJ The brine numbers on this page were compiled by Teresa for, again, many years.  Teresa wants to retire.  Who will take over this work?


Local Groups United As Need Be.

The Buckeye Environmental Network is committed to building strong communities in Ohio.


Show Me The Numbers

Shocker in Vienna!
Copper Ridge (KTCA Holdings) in Vienna, Ohio injected
1,522,994 Barrels
in 2018 alone.  Before the end of the 2nd quarter, KTCA had gone over the 500,000 barrel limit point where they no longer collect and pay to the state $.05/bbl cents for instate toxic waste and $.20/bbl cents for out of state toxic frack waste.
KTCA can operate this well for 30 years or more, unless an unnatural disaster like a toxic spill or damaging earthquake occurs.
With this fee no longer collected, KTCA may be the cheapest well around, which should increase their business, and the safety and health risks to local residents,

Save Meander Dam
Ohio Broke It
State Incompetence
Dam Damage
Regulate Earthquakes
Who Regulates Meander?


Privatize Meander Water?
Privatize Meander Water

Help Save This Public Water Source

Niles Needs To Know
Meander Dam 
Evacuation Plan 
More Problems Intercourse Niles

They call it brine
Radioactive Road Salt

Ohio Broke It.  Ohio Can Fix It!


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