
The Meander Dam Intercourser

The FREE monthly newsletter concerning Meander Reservoir and Dam.
Ohio broke it. Ohio can fix it. 


Dam News & Updates

The Dam News & Updates section will keep you informed and up to date with everything related to Meander Reservoir and Dam. Updates to the website will also be in this section.

With link to Additional Resources

The Intercourser is FREE!


Dam Volunteers

Here you will find news from our Social Media Team, Seismicity Team, Air and Water Testing Team, and Support Team.
Have fun and get things done!
Dam Volunteers


Meander Dam Zoom
Saturday @ Noon

Get things done from anywhere. Instead of hosting weekly meetings in a church or hotel lobby, we will meet weekly, over zoom. You can Zoom from anywhere.

If you miss a zoom meeting, highlights of the last meeting will be listed in the Intercourser with a link to view the entire recording. You will also find links to past important zoom meetings.
Coming soon.


Wall of Water Action Plan

Have fun and get things done!

Every week we will ask you to make 7 phone calls to people who we think may be able to help us save Meander Dam. Here you will be provided with the name, who is, touch phone # and a short suggestion on what to tell them. If you do this for 10 weeks you would have made 70 calls, one for each foot of water Meander Dam holds back.
Coming soon.


Time is NOT on our side!

Sitting on our hands keeping warm is what the pirates want us to continue to do. As we do nothing, time continues. Time is on their side.

And the Water Privatizers Circle.

Sign up for the Intercourser


Emergency Evacuation Plan?

We the people must demand that a suitable evacuation plan is in place with full public knowlege of what to do and when.. In advance of the need to evacuate.

Information is given to the public over the media. (TV & Radio)  If your sleeping,?

We can do better and develop it ourselves.
A FREE PHONE APP that requires  Meander to make 1 call, not many, and everydody gets the news at the same time, with instructions on what to do and which way to go.

What do you think?
Should we build it?
Will it be used?

Sign up for the Intercourser


$41.5 Million Dollars!

That's a lot of money.  Surely the state will pay for what they broke!  Actually, I expect not.
Grants? Lots of hoops with little hope. 
How sad would it be for the State of Ohio to fail at this ONLY to have the citizens save Meander Dam with a
NATIONWIDE go fund me.
Humiliating to the State of Ohio AND what if?
What do you think?
 Your input is important!

Sign up to for Intercourser

Music Videos that may excite you.
If that doesn't work, try this:
Get Off The Couch


Please Share This Page

Save Meander Dam
Ohio Broke It
State Incompetence
Dam Damage
Regulate Earthquakes
Who Regulates Meander?


Privatize Meander Water?
Privatize Meander Water

Help Save This Public Water Source

Niles Needs To Know
Meander Dam 
Evacuation Plan 
More Problems Intercourse Niles

They call it brine
Radioactive Road Salt

Ohio Broke It.  Ohio Can Fix It!


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