pic  Dam Music Videos

Dam Music Videos

Don't Plan To Relax To These Dam Music Videos

When The Levee Breaks
John Paul Jones
Playing for change.
Sung Around The World

Playing For Change

Standing Rock by Trevor Hall
If you are a rock, Stand up like a mountain.
6 years ago.
There were many from Ohio that helped in the NODAPL battle.  It's not much of a battle when only one side gets battered.
Many Ohioans Stood With Standing Rock!
There is much to learn from this.

You've Been Fracked

Kids sing the dardest things.

Need some help getting off the couch?
Try this

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Save Meander Dam
Ohio Broke It
State Incompetence
Dam Damage
Regulate Earthquakes
Who Regulates Meander?


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Privatize Meander Water

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Niles Needs To Know
Meander Dam 
Evacuation Plan 
More Problems Intercourse Niles

They call it brine
Radioactive Road Salt

Ohio Broke It.  Ohio Can Fix It!


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