
Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer

Dr. Raymond Emil Beiersdorfer passed away October 11, 2018, having completed his 62nd journey around the sun.
Dr. Ray, as he was known by his students, was a dynamic, inspiring, award-winning Distinguished Professor of Geologic and Environmental Sciences at Youngstown State University for 25 years.
Dr. Ray became one of the foremost experts on fracking and injection well EARTHQUAKES in the country, and world. (example)
Thank You Dr. Ray  

The Buckeye Environmental Network Hosted a 
Public Tribunal: Is there sufficient evidence that Human Rights are being violated in Ohio?
GREAT 15 minute testimony by Dr. Beiersdorfer!  

How "well" does ODNR protect the people?
Dr. Ray will tell you why.

Need some help getting off the couch?
Try this (Dr. Ray would approve)

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Ohio Broke It
State Incompetence
Dam Damage
Regulate Earthquakes
Who Regulates Meander?


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Privatize Meander Water

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Niles Needs To Know
Meander Dam 
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They call it brine
Radioactive Road Salt

Ohio Broke It.  Ohio Can Fix It!


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