People living near the KDA injection well in Vienna noticed a foul smell in the air. They called the Ohio EPA. They were told it was ice on the pond causing low oxygen in the pond and things do die. Ice on the pond hid the trouble from view. Then the ice melted. Ohio EPA and ODNR were both notified. Told the ice story again. 1 week later, still no one went out to check this out.
They called the FrackFree google phone. I called ODNR and asked why they had not gone yet, and to let them know we were on our way.
The ODNR pick up pulled onto Sodom-Hutchins Rd, just infront of us. I expected the ODNR inspector to go talk to the neighbor first, but no, he drove directly into the KDA driveway.
As soon as we opened the car door, we knew there was a big issue here. With the permission of the homeowner, I alerted the media.
After this, we printed emergency cards with our phone number on it as well.
The next day, this place was hoppin'.
Every elected official was on site. They all said "Oh my". Some even wore boots and went in deep.
Animal and plant death everywhere.
The oily part of the waste is scraped off the ground. The other parts are water soluable. This poses a great risk to everyone in the area with ground water wells, almost all.
(Full Story Comming Soon)
The Meander Dam Intercourser
Prisoners From Out Of State.
These guys got the dirtiest work. Picking up toxic, radioactive frack waste covered DEAD ANIMALS and FISH. They also carried the booms into the most contaminated of areas. The air was very heavy with the stench of paint and oil products. These "volunteers" were not given any air protection equipment.
I hope they are all ok today.
Check out the pictures of what they were dealing with.
Yard signs available here
I can't believe this:
At the the exact time the KDA spill was being cleaned up by OEPA, there was another spill into Sulfur Run, a tributary to Meander Reservoir.
Sulfur Run Toxic Spill
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