In late 2018 and early 2019, people in Brookfield, Ohio heard many LOUD BOOMS, some of which shook the windows.
They were told it was shotguns or fireworks.
People in the country know what those sound like.  These booms were not that.
Let's not forget the BOOMS of the past.


Small earthquake, Youngstown,


"A small earthquake on September 29, 2011, at 8:52 p.m. EDT, was widely felt in Youngstown and surrounding communities including Campbell, Canfield, Girard, Hubbard, McDonald, and Mineral Ridge, throughout an area of about 1,000 square kilometers. More than 300 felt reports were submitted. Many residents reported a loud boom followed by brief shaking and some thought a vehicle had hit the house or a tree had fallen. No damage was reported. Several small earthquakes have occurred in this area in 2011." 


Small earthquake, Mahoning County, near Youngstown Ohio March 17, 2011


"A small earthquake rattled residents of Youngstown and Austintown on March 17, 2011  at 6:53 a.m. EDT. People reported a loud boom followed by a sharp jolt. No damage was reported. This is the first earthquake in historic times centered at Youngstown and in Mahoning County. A small foreshock (M 2.1) at 6:42 a.m. EDT preceded the mainshock."


Earthquake, Youngstown,

Let's Never Forget The 

"A 4.0 magnitude earthquake centered at Youngstown rocked northeastern Ohio just before 3:05 p.m. EST on New Year’s Eve. This was the 11th earthquake in a sequence that began on March 17, 2011 at Youngstown. The December 31 earthquake was felt throughout northeastern Ohio, adjacent areas in western Pennsylvania, and in Ontario, Canada. Media reports indicate that damage was minor from this event with a few reports of cracked plaster and glassware falling from shelves. Earthquakes in the low 4 magnitude range would not be expected to cause major damage. More than 4,700 felt reports have been submitted by individuals to the U.S. Geological Survey’s Did You Feel It Web site"


Have we heard our last

No.  Fireworks and shotguns will be a part of country's living for a long time to come. 

Knowing what we know now, we know better than to accept those possibilities as being the only causes, and we may have the technology to help better sort it out. 

"What was that?"

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